Our Story
Connecting expecting mothers with the specialty prenatal care they need—no matter where they live— is personal to our founder.
Perinatal Access Founder Greg Linton was inspired to start Perinatal Access by his past 9 years working in the high-risk obstetrics business and he and his wife’s personal experience with the premature birth of their twin sons.
For Perinatal Access Founder Greg Linton, maternal care for high-risk pregnancies is personal. His twin sons were 27-week old preemies, born about 3 months early. Greg hopes that Perinatal Access will help healthcare facilities spot warning signs of premature births earlier and keep babies in utero longer.
His purpose is to equip healthcare facilities with tools to involve a specialist in prenatal care for all high-risk pregnancies as early as possible. Greg believes Perinatal Access will help healthcare facilities offer high-value specialist care to mothers despite projected OB/GYN shortages and dwindling access to rural maternal care.

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